Product Description
Picture may not be exact as shown ( IMAGE IS DISPLAY ONLY )
Intended for use by a crew in the field. First aid kit is designed by the USDA
Forest Service for forest workers and wildland firefighters, but it is suitably
equipped for all users. Kit contains: 25 bandages (woven adhesive); 12
knuckle bandages; 16 butterfly closures; four elastic bandages; two triangular
bandages; two compress bandages; elastic support (roll); two combine
dressings; two pairs non-latex gloves; three rolls of adhesive tape; four sheets
of moleskin; two chemical cold packs; two containers eye-wash solution; two
bottles tincture green soap; two bottles calamine lotion; 30 aspirin tablets;
30 acetaminophen tablets; two patient-information tags; forceps; paramedic
shears; antiseptic kit (which includes one bottle povidone, four povidone
iodine swabs, six gauze pads, six non-stick pads); and two bodily fluid barrier
kits (including four pairs non-latex gloves, two face shields, two mouth-to-
mouth barriers, four antiseptic towelettes, two biohazards disposal bags, and
two reclosable plastic bags.) Kit contains protective components for the user.
Also includes instructions for mouth-to-mouth barrier use, first aid manual,
contents list and lead pencil. Comes in a red nylon duck case attached to a
2”-wide belt with buckle. Type IV. Forest Service Spec 6170-6. (NFES #1143)
Products subject to change due to availability (picture is reference only)